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Welcome to my personal blog. Iā€™m currently researching how game mechanics can be used for learning in Singapore.

All views and information presented herein are my own and do not represent the views of the Fulbright Program or the U.S. Department of State.

New Book: Unofficial Minecraft STEM Lab for Kids

New Book: Unofficial Minecraft STEM Lab for Kids

I'm very excited to announce that my summer and fall book project from 2017 has just been published. The Unofficial Minecraft STEM Lab for Kids is now available through most book sellers around the globe. Like our previous book, Chris and I combined 24 activities that can be created in Minecraft with a similar number of related activities that are hands-on and get kids away from a screen. We emphasis STEM activities here and hope that it encourages both teachers, parents,  and students to take a look at the power of Minecraft as a learning tool. We want to support students reaching out to their teachers with original ideas of their own to demonstrate conceptual understanding.

In addition to the activities, I interviewed several adult Minecraft entrepreneurs that each have successfully transferred the "Minecraft skillset" into full-time occupations. We also encourage our readers to keep a lab book, or journal of their experiences in the game and we provide a lesson in sketchnoting so that they can discuss and visualize their learning with their parents and teachers.

I hope you enjoy the book and please feel free to provide feedback.

Minecraft STEM Lessons

Minecraft STEM Lessons

The Round City of Baghdad

The Round City of Baghdad